After lunch Doug lead some Christmas carols with his guitar. I looked around and marveled at all of these Japanese (mostly women) obviously enjoying singing Christmas hymns about the birth of the Saviour that I'm so desperate to tell them about. Many have commented on what a great experience that was. For my Harumi class women, it was probably the first time they'd ever sung Christmas carols. However, several from my Sayama and Kotesashi classes have experienced this several times and look forward to the party each year because it will give them the chance to sing them again.
Don Love told a great story about an early Christmas experience that made him realize the joy of giving and of God's ultimate gift to us in Jesus Christ. Everyone seemed to enjoy hearing a little about Canadian Christmas and what the season means to him.Please pray that this explanation of the true meaning of Christmas will create an opening in hearts that will allow the gospel message to take root over the next few months.