Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Train Station in Japan

A Local Product

When we toured beautiful Izu Peninsula recently, I saw a Japan Coast Guard vessel that had been built in the shipyard visible across the channel from our balcony. One identical to this boat is being finished right now. They just painted it yesterday. It's welded aluminum plate with twin jet drive propulsion, so it moves at high speed. 

What Season is it in Tokyo?

Well, you could say it's "ajisai" or hydrangea season, but it's also rainy season. Almost every day during June we have rain. To celebrate Mizuho's birthday, Carol made the ajisai cupcakes. 

Just Too Cool...

How's this for  a pose? This was last Sunday. 

After the children's story and craft, while adults were finishing up our time in prayer, this is what the children were up to. Good thing the grown-ups didn't know...

Momo agreed to help out with the children on Sunday, which was a big help.