Thursday, July 19, 2007

New Opportunities - Great Potential

It's been a month since we moved from Higashi Tokorozawa and the position of leadership couple of the Japan Alliance Field to Harumi, downtown Tokyo. What a difference! Higashi Tokorozawa is almost rural compared to the dense population of both people and buildings that we see from our balcony in Harumi.

We had been working for over 2 years, long-distance, with the people in Harumi. We'd been involved in leading a Sunday Praise time, along with co-workers Don and Carol Love and others who put countless hours in commuting and preparing worship times and Bible studies. More recently we've been involved in a Mom's and Tot's class, a women's English class and a kindergarten age children's English program along with some of the Christians living in Harumi. As we made contact with families here we recognized the potential of sharing Christ more if only we could live and work in the area, making ourselves available, not for more programming, necessarily, but for more availability.

That opportunity came and we began searching for housing in the area, only to be told that the area was becoming so popular that there was no housing available then or anytime in the forseeable future. The realtor suggested that we begin phoning each day once we were within our target date for moving, but we were never able to do that because before we could she called us with an apt. to look at. It was perfect for our needs and we consider it a gift from God.

1 comment:

Lamb said...

I am so glad that you have a blog now. My name is Susan and we met your family many years ago in Georgetown at the Alliance Church. Well, after almost 20 years there we retired up north to Elliot Lake and we love where God has placed us. We attend a small Congregational church and I am the librarian.

I recently found Heather's blog and left her a message. She is an exceptional young lady and I am so pleased that she is following in her parents footsteps.

She even gave me some info on Haiku. I love the form of it. It is so free.

You and your family are in our prayers.

God bless
John 14:27
I also have a blog. It is The title is Welcome to our Lives