Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More Women to Pray for . . .

Thanks for supporting our work in Harumi. We thoroughly enjoy our ministry here and it is apparent that God orchestrates meetings with those people that he intends to touch.

Last week I met with Marie and Tomomi and Tomomi was very open about her struggles and her search for a "spiritual" answer. Her mom, who is living with her right now while she's receiving cancer treatment, has become increasingly fretful about her future. Tomomi was grateful to hear my testimony and to understand that I personally know a God who loves and cares for us. Tomomi has encountered nightmares and anxiety attacks since the police knocked on the door of her 43rd floor apartment to ask if the neatly folded clothing that was lying outside the door belonged to her. It turned out that it belonged to a man who jumped from the outdoor hallway just outside of her apartment. She'd seen the man wandering the hallways earlier in the day and now can't forget his face and the fact that he ended his life shortly after she'd seen him so close to her apartment.
Please continue to pray for me as I meet with Tomomi and her mom and others like her who are searching for the truth. Pray that I'll have wisdom as I share my faith with them and that they'll be responsive to the Holy Spirit's calling. This weekend there will be a celebration that I've invited many of the women I'm meeting with to. Pray that they'll come with open hearts to hear what God has for them.

1 comment:

Margaret Nielsen Fincher said...

Hi Carol, I found you! It's been a long, long time since we've seen each other and spoken. I promised myself in January that I would look up some of my long lost friends and get reaquainted. I found you through your mother's obituary. I'm so sorry for your loss. You look just like you did in nursing school and I can tell by your radiant smile that you love what you're doing. All those wonderful, happy children from Japan. Your three girls are beautiful. I'm still in Texas and have lived in Conroe for twenty four year, married to Roger for twenty five years. We have two children,our daughter Jaime, is twenty and our son ,Lee is fifteen. I'm still nursing (neonatal ICU) part-time.
I'd love to learn more about your ministry and your husband and kids. If you have time please email me. I'd love to hear from you. May God bless you all.
Hugs, Margaret