Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Harumi News!

Wonderful things have been happening in Harumi! Our colleagues, the Loves, and our friends in Harumi have written about several wonderful things that have been going on. 7 - 8 people, many of whom you've been praying for if you're praying through our list of contacts, have joined one of the two evangelistic Bible studies taking place in Harumi on Tuesdays.

The BBQ that I asked many of you to pray for was a great success. It was a beautiful day and about 50 of our contacts gathered together and really enjoyed one another. One man that attended Doug and Don's Discussion group has shown an interest in joining one of the Bible studies and others are interested in attending praise time.

Please continue to pray for two of our friends, each with a parent that has cancer. Pray that through this trial these young women would seek God and his peace. One friend is struggling with her relationship with her husband. Please pray that she would find the answers she's looking for through the Bible study that she's begun to attend.

We've had some great times at the churches that we've visited so far in Ontario! Thank you for your interest in our presentations and for your support of what God is doing through your prayers in Japan.

Please contact us if you'd like to receive email updates. We'd love to stay in touch any way that we can.

1 comment:

Heza said...

aww. the little marshmellow mustache. precious.