Thursday, February 11, 2010

That's A Better One!

Well! I noticed there was a comment on our "I'm a PC and I'm 4 Years Old" post, that it was nice to see a picture of us. Well, here's a better one of just the two of us. This is at the front gate of a wedding banquet hall near us. This was taken during a warm spell a few weeks ago. We're wearing heavier coats these days. We even had a little dusting of snow the other morning!

1 comment:

Hank Bax said...

My, you two still look so young, fit and happy! How nice to see the photos. It puts more meaning and depth to your newsletters. Many blessings to to the two of you and your wonderful 3 girls.
With Christian love and greetings.....Hank & Marg Bax