Thursday, February 17, 2011


That's what the Covenant Players say at the end of one of their thought-provoking plays. No scenery, no costumes, almost no props.

The plays dealt with unmerited favour, a.k.a. "Grace/恵み". In both languages it can be a woman's name, and much more than that.

There were short plays about a child forgiving an unkind playmate, a man cheerfully donating a kidney to a friend (just a friend? why would he do that?) and a man feeling very uncomfortable about a freely given gift that he had not asked for.

You can tell from Kurt's expression that sometimes Grace is an uncomfortable topic!

But, it's a topic we discussed as we broke into groups a couple of times during the performance to consider the meaning of the plays.

As with music, sometimes the right-brain imagery of acting can touch people in ways other forms of communication cannot, and can cause people to think more deeply about the message conveyed.

Meanwhile, Kurt, Cathy and Iris head off to Kobe, then to Guam. Another church, another school, another performance. Visual parables.

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